Supporting families and communities
to reach their full potential

Accessible Learning
Community Crafting
Community Toolkit
Parenting Toolkit

The Parenting Centre recognises that everyone was born into a family. Our vision is for a world where children, young people and their families achieve their full potential and thrive. Our five core values of respect, inclusivity, collaboration, integrity and positivity ensure we meet the needs of our partners with responsiveness and adaptiveness.

The Parenting Centre’s mission is to provide parenting support to parents and caregivers whilst supporting professionals working in the field through training and supervision. We create a place of belonging through our accessible training which extends beyond parenting and includes the whole community. We bring people together, offer a sense of belonging and a positive experience of family through our range of training workshops and courses; crafting, parenting and community development.

This website offers an overview of The Parenting Centre. If you would like more information or have questions about any of our training, including pricing, please contact us on

“This workshop made me feel hopeful when I had felt hopeless.”

“Supporting families and communities
to reach their full potential”

Registered charity number 1099742

Registered company number 04499012